Welcome to Harbor Models Inc.
Rix Harrier

Product Description
The Rix Harrier was constructed by the Yorkshire dry-dock company in 1979 as the Merchant ship WIB. She was renamed the Breydon Enterprise.
Her propulsion was by Holland Roe machinery.
In 1996 she was purchased by T & S Rix company of Hull and converted to a bunkering tanker for service in Hull docks.
She was re-engined with two caterpillar 1036 diesels driving podded propellors with a s.h.p. on each prop of 480 H.P. giving a service speed of 9 knots.
Auxillary power supply is by Cummins diesels.
She now has a deadweight of 1009 tons, gross tonnage is 572 and nett tonnage 0f 354 tons.
The Rix Harrier can be seen servicing larger ships in and around Hull docks, her and her near sister have been seen
Details of the kit:
Scale: 1/50
Length: 915mm (36")
Beam: 195mm (7.7")
The model of the M.V RIX HARRIER is constructed on a glassfibre hull with bulwarks and freeing ports moulded into the hull.
The decks and superstructure are in 1mm & .5mm computer generated printed plastic.
Ships inflatable and assorted other fittings are cast in acrylic resin for extremely sharp and accurate detailing. The H.I.A.B. crane is a kit in its own right cats in plastic and white metal.
Cast metal stanchions, and deck fittings add the truly professional touch to this hard working merchant ship model.
The complicated deck piping is assembled from styrene plastic tube and completed with all the valves, wheels and vents in metal, and using a 3 colour printed layout on the tank deck.
Propeller tubes, fitted with oiling points and stainless steel shafts are included together with a comprehensive instruction book and a FULL SIZE plan. Full details are supplied for the fitting of motors, nicads and radio equipment.